RSK – Install a node using the AWS VM Marketplace


The RSK network is the Smart Contract platform of Bitcoin, it offers the same capabilities of Ethereum, but the gas is paid with Bitcoin.

When your application needs to interact with the network by publishing or calling a Smart Contract you need a node synchronized. This video of the series explains how to install a node using the Amazon Web Services AMI Marketplace. 

The video is closed captioned, and bellow you will find the step by step easy to copy and paste.

Step 1:

Navigate to the AWS Console site:

Step 2:

On the AWS services dashboard, click on EC2 (Virtual Machines), then on “launch instance” button.

Step 3:

Click on AWS Marketplace, search for “rsk”, and select the “RSK Node Bamboo v0.x.x MainNet”; Review the prices and select “Continue”.

Step 4:

Select the instance type. The once disabled doesn’t reach the minimum hardware requirements. Then, click on “Next: configure instance details”

Step 5:

Optionally change the default values on this screen, and continue clicking on “Next: Add Storage”

Step 6:

In the Storage section, increase the size to 100GB, the minimum recommended to run the node, then click on “Next: Add Tags”

Step 7:

Optionally add a tag to identify the instance, then, click on “Next: Configure Security Group”

Step 8:

Now create a new rule with the TCP 22 port, and select a source to open the SSH port and be able to connect to the node remotely, then click on “Review and Launch”

Step 9:

Review the info and click on “Launch” to start the VM deployment

Step 10:

After AWS deploys the VM, enter the VM details and use the IP or DNS to connect to the node.

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